Finding sobriety is often the greatest gift a person can give themselves. However, people entering recovery often-times face a long list of unanswered questions about their new way of life. Chief among these questions is typically some version of, “what am I supposed to do for fun?”. Those of us in early recovery have spent the majority of our adolescent and/or adult lives drinking alcohol and using drugs. As a result, many of us have a very skewed perception or definition of “fun”. Fun without drugs and alcohol can be such a foreign concept when you have little-to-no experience of having fun without them. If you find yourself in this position and may be struggling to determine how to use your newfound time and additional spending money, two things that are often an inevitable result of finding recovery, this blog is here to help!

  1. Become a foodie: Newbies in recovery tend to have a newfound appreciation for good food. Find a restaurant guide, pinpoint some locations and dishes, and plan an outing with a date or a group of friends. Having a working knowledge of the local food scene is a skill that comes in handy more than you may think! (Additional and related tip: Learn and/or improve your cooking skills!)
  2. Host a competitive event: Friendly competition is not only fun but can be a great way to network and build your new community. Find a sand volleyball court, play kickball, softball, flag football, tennis, basketball…the options are endless! 
  3. Go to a museum or an art exhibit: Fancy yourself a connoisseur of the arts? If you live in a metropolitan area you likely have an array of museum options. Keep an eye out for any exhibits that may be more specific to your tastes or interests. 
  4. Go to a comedy show: A personal favorite of the author of this blog, stand up and improv comedy are both great options to keep yourself entertained on the weekend. A great activity for a date, your family, or a group of friends. 
  5. Go for a bike ride or a hike: Another common newfound appreciation for people in early recovery is an affinity for the outdoors. Finding a hiking a trail or take your bike on a ride through a scenic are of town. Also a great activity to start getting back into shape!
  6. Treat yourself to a spa day: As previously mentioned, you are likely to have quite a bit more disposable income after entering recovery. Use some to treat yourself to a massage or a facial!
  7. Find some DIY type of projects: Get crafty with some artwork for your home or apartment. If you’re feeling super confident, find a do it yourself home improvement project. 
  8. Have a game night: Play cards or rotate boardgames with a group of friends. (Author’s suggestion Cards Against Humanity).
  9. Go to an arcade or theme park: You might be surprised just how much fun you’ll have, as a full-grown adult, at an arcade. Same goes for theme parks. Win some prizes, ride some rides, play some games, and ride some go-karts if your lucky enough to have those at your local arcade. 
  10. Find a new hobby: People in early recovery almost always find they are passionate about a hobby or subject they had no idea they would enjoy so much. Author’s suggestions : Golf (my personal favorite), fishing, bowling, soccer, tennis, archery, running/exercise, cooking, trap shooting, and hiking just no name a few!